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Las Vegas Sands LVS

44.31 0.98%
High: 44.73 Low: 44.05

Las Vegas Sands Corp. A multinational developer, owner and manager of resorts with headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. Yahoo! Finance

Traders' Sentiments


Las Vegas Sands Corp. A multinational developer, owner and manager of resorts with headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. Yahoo! Finance

Spread 0.22 Spread (%) 0.49%
Overnight funding - Buy -0.05808% Overnight funding - Sell -0.02964%
Initial margin 20.00% Maintenance margin 10.00%
Leverage 1:5 Expires daily No

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  2. Learn about Las Vegas Sands trading in the Trading Academy
  3. Open and verify your Plus500 account
  4. Develop your trading strategy
  5. Execute your first trade on Las Vegas Sands

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