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Coffee Trading Guide and Strategies: How to Trade Coffee

Date Modified: 25/06/2024

Coffee, an indispensable beverage in many countries, stems from an industry worth over 100 billion US dollars annually.

The volatile nature of commodities, particularly coffee, provides an avenue for potential trading opportunities. However, potential profitability hinges on having the right guidance and well-developed trading strategies as well as an understanding of inherent risks.

A person holding a Cup of Coffee while looking at a trade chart on his phone.

Main Points:

  • The history of coffee trading dates back centuries, evolving from its origins in the Middle East to becoming a globally traded commodity.
  • With an annual worth surpassing $100 billion, the coffee industry presents a vibrant market for profitable ventures and market speculation.
  • Some key features of coffee trading include high volatility, liquidity, and a range of financial instruments, offering both opportunities and risks for traders.
  • Strategies for trading coffee CFDs include day trading, trend trading, consolidation trading, and volatility trading, each catering to different market conditions.

What Is Coffee Trading?

Coffee trading involves the buying and selling of coffee-related financial instruments, such as futures contracts, Contracts for Difference (CFDs) and exchange-traded funds. Participants involved in coffee trading include industry groups, producers, consumers, and speculators.C59

Producers, who cultivate coffee trees and harvest coffee beans, may engage in coffee trading to hedge their exposure to price fluctuations by locking in prices for future delivery.

Consumers, such as companies that purchase and resell coffee, may engage in coffee trading to hedge against rising coffee prices.

Lastly, speculators and managed funds may participate in coffee trading to profit from anticipated trends by opening long and short positions on coffee-related financial instruments.

History of Coffee Trading

Dating back through centuries, coffee evolved from a revered beverage in the Middle East to a globally traded commodity. Here's a chronological overview of coffee trading history:

15th Century: The commercial significance of coffee began to take root during this era in Middle Eastern countries like Yemen, Ethiopia, and Mecca, where coffee was traded and consumed for the first time.

16th Century: Coffee arrived in the Levant region and was embraced by Ottoman society. Through the Ottoman influence, coffee got to Italy and Eastern Europe.

17th Century: Coffee houses began to emerge in Western Europe, particularly in London, Holland and Germany. These establishments facilitated discussions on trade and commerce among merchants and sailors. It also led to the expansion of coffee plantations in various colonies and trade networks across the globe.

18th Century: Brazil surpassed Haiti, the previous world's largest coffee producer and all other countries to become the world's largest coffee producer. As of May 2024, Brazil still ranks as the largest coffee producer.

20th century (1963-1989): The International Coffee Agreements (ICA) regulated the coffee market by establishing stabilised prices and ensuring fair trade practices such that the price difference between the Arabica and Robusta coffee averaged around $0.149 per pound. However, the regulatory body broke down in 1989.

20th century (1989-1999): Following the breakdown of the ICA, the coffee market transitioned to a free-market system. The period between 1989 and 1995 saw substantial price volatility, with the price of the ICO composite indicator reduced by nearly 75%.

21st Century: In contemporary times, coffee continues to operate within the free market system. It has consistently experienced significant price fluctuations and a notable price differential between Arabica and Robusta. According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), as of 2023, global coffee production reached 175.6 million 60-kg bags equivalent to approximately 2.25 billion cups daily.

Features of Coffee Trading

Coffee trading can be beneficial and profitable but it does not exclude some drawbacks.

Volatility: Coffee trading is known for its high volatility, meaning that prices can fluctuate rapidly. This sort of volatility presents frequent trading opportunities but also increases the likelihood of losses.

Liquidity: The coffee market offers sufficient liquidity, meaning there are enough buy-side and sell-side market participants to guarantee swift executions at stable prices.

Range of Financial Instruments: Based on varying risk tolerance, investment objectives, and market outlook, coffee trading offers a variety of instruments for traders to choose from, including futures contracts, options, contracts for differences (CFDs) and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Coffee futures contracts can be expensive for retail clients due to the higher margin requirements and contract sizes. However, CFDs, when compared to futures contracts, require a lesser margin and are accessible to retail traders.

Leveraged Instruments: Coffee trading instruments are leveraged products that allow traders to control larger positions with relatively smaller amounts of capital. Leverage offers the potential to amplify profits but also increases the potential for amplified losses.

What Are Some CFDs Coffee Trading Strategies?

It's important to have a trading strategy that aligns with your personal preferences and varying market conditions. You can explore the following trading strategies described as follows:

  1. Coffee Day Trading Strategy
  2. Coffee day trading involves buying and selling of coffee contracts within a single trading day to potentially profit from short-term price fluctuations. Unlike long-term trading, day traders exit all their positions within a single trading day. While this strategy offers opportunities for quick gains, it also carries risks. Hence it requires proactive monitoring of coffee market trends and effective risk management.

  3. Coffee Trend Trading Strategy
  4. Trend trading in regards to coffee is an approach that aims to capitalise on the price movements of coffee when it moves in a particular direction either making consistent highs or consistent lows. With the use of technical indicators such as moving averages and trendlines, traders can align their positions with the prevailing trend rather than trading against it.

  5. Coffee Consolidation Trading Strategy
  6. This strategy is effective during periods of uncertainty when the price movement of coffee is neither trending up nor down but moving sideways. In this case, traders identify the bottom and top of the price range as support and resistance with the expectation that the market will remain within the price range for an extended period. Hence, traders may open sell positions at the top (resistance) of the range or buy positions at the bottom (support) of the range.

  7. Coffee Volatility Trading Strategy
  8. Given coffee's tendency for rapid price fluctuations in response to macroeconomic factors, volatility indicators can be helpful in identifying potential opportunities and managing risk effectively. An example of commonly used volatility indicators is the Bollinger Bands. It tightens as a result of low volatility and expands when volatility increases. The upper and lower bands of the indicator can also be used to identify potential entry and exit points.

Guidelines for Trading Coffee CFDs

  1. Portfolio Diversification
  2. You may consider diversifying your trading portfolio by including share CFDs of leading coffee companies such as Starbucks or Kraft*. These companies can provide exposure to different segments of the coffee industry, thus reducing overall portfolio risk. *Availability based on regulation.

  3. Monitor Weather Conditions
  4. Staying informed about weather conditions in major coffee-producing nations, particularly Brazil, can help to anticipate potential supply disruptions in the advent of adverse weather like droughts or frosts.

  5. Watch Oil Prices
  6. Pay attention to oil prices because the cost of transporting coffee from production regions to consumer markets can result in higher coffee prices.

  7. Implement Robust Risk-Management Strategy
  8. It's essential to have a robust risk-management strategy in place to protect your overall capital from the risks of coffee volatility.

  9. Monitor Activities of Large Coffee-Buying Firms
  10. Reviewing Commitments of Traders (COT) reports provide insights into the positions held by commercial hedgers, businesses and large speculators. The report offers valuable information about coffee market sentiment and anticipated trends.

Steps to Buy or Sell Coffee CFDs with Plus500

Here are six (6) steps to begin trading Coffee CFDs:

  1. Open a Trading Account: To trade coffee CFDs, the first step is to open a demo or live account with a reputable CFD provider like Plus500.

  2. Explore the Trading Platform: After signing up, get acquainted with the features of the Plus500 trading platform. The platform allows you to analyse coffee price charts, set up real-time alerts, and execute trades.

  3. Locate the Coffee CFD Instrument: Use the platform's search function or navigate the commodity category to find Coffee (KC) CFD.

  4. Analyse Market Conditions: Before placing a trade, it's important to analyse the current coffee market. This may involve using technical analysis tools in combination with fundamental analysis to predict price movements.

  5. Implement Risk Management: To manage risks, utilise the available order types such as position sizing, take-profit orders and stop-loss orders.

  6. Confirm and Monitor the Trade: Once your order parameters are defined, decide whether to "Buy" (go long) if you expect coffee prices to rise, or "Sell" (go short) if you expect a decline in price. Then, confirm your buy or sell position and monitor your trade.

  7. Why Trade the Coffee CFDs With Plus500?

    Advanced Trading Tools: Plus500 trading platforms offer comprehensive charting tools, technical indicators, and economic calendars to assist with analysing coffee market trends and making informed decisions.

    Competitive Spreads: You enjoy Plus500 competitive spreads when trading the coffee market.

    Flexibility: Coffee CFDs are available on all Plus500 trading platforms on desktop, iOS, or Android devices.

    Fast & Reliable Execution: Plus500 guarantees swift entries and exits on coffee CFDs at market-available prices.

    Leverage: With Plus500, you can use leverage to amplify potential profits, but keep in mind that leverage also increases potential losses.

    Trading Instruments: Plus500 offers a diverse range of soft and hard commodities like crude oil, soybeans, and gold, as well as shares CFDs of leading companies involved in coffee production and consumption.


    Although coffee trading began just as a beverage in the 15 century, it has grown to over a $100B industry. As one of the most actively traded commodities globally, various coffee financial instruments like Coffee CFDs, ETFs or related shares, provide exposure for traders and investors to gain exposure to the price movements of coffee. To trade coffee with confidence and potentially capitalise on market opportunities, it is important to practise and implement the aforementioned trading strategies and guidelines while managing associated risks.
    After considering the above and if you determine Coffee trading is suitable for you, you can consider opening a demo or live account with Plus500 today.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    What Are the Seasonal Trends in Coffee Prices?

    Coffee prices usually go up in August and October but tend to decline in June or July due to unfavourable weather conditions for coffee crops.

    When Is the Coffee Harvest Season in Brazil?

    Coffee from Brazil is typically harvested starting in May and extends over several weeks.

    Which Country Is the Largest Consumer of Coffee?

    The United States tops the chart of largest importers and consumers of coffee globally. In the US, over 1.7 million people are employed in coffee-related sectors. The market also accounts for 1.6% of the US total Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

    Which Region Dominates Coffee Imports and Consumption?

    Europe emerges as the dominant region in terms of both coffee imports and consumption.

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