Does Plus500 charge an overnight fee?
The overnight funding amount is either added to or subtracted from your account whenever a position is left open after a certain cut-off time (the “Overnight Funding Time”). The formula used to calculate the daily overnight funding amount of a position is: Trade Size * Position Opening Rate * Point Value * Daily Overnight Funding % When trading Share CFDs, the formula will be: Trade size * Daily Close Rate * Point Value * Daily Overnight Funding %, where the Daily Close Rate is the average [(Buy+Sell)/2] of the last quote 30 minutes before the Overnight Funding time (e.g. if the Overnight Funding time is 22h, we will take the last quote before or at 21:30h). The overnight funding time and the daily overnight funding percentage can be found in the “Details” link next to the instrument’s name in the main screen of the trading platform. For more information about fees, please read “Do you charge any fees?”
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