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1.1143 0.10%
High: 1.1151 Low: 1.1108

British pound / Swiss francs Yahoo! Finance

Traders' Sentiments


British pound / Swiss francs Yahoo! Finance

Spread 0.0004 Spread (%) 0.04%
Overnight funding - Buy 0.006% Overnight funding - Sell -0.0173%
Initial margin 3.33% Maintenance margin 1.67%
Leverage 1:30 Expires daily No

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What is GBP/CHF?

GBP/CHF (GBPCHF) represents the exchange rate between the British pound (GBP) and the Swiss franc (CHF), two prominent reserve currencies. The GBPCHF exchange rate is affected by different factors such as trade balance, gold prices, interest rate, and monetary policies by The Bank of England (BoE) and The Swiss National Bank (SNB) as well as unemployment rate, CPI, and GDP data from national statistics offices in the UK and Switzerland.

How do I trade GBP/CHF?

Start trading GBP/CHF in just 5 steps:
  1. Explore what shifts the GBP/CHF price
  2. Learn about GBP/CHF trading in the Trading Academy
  3. Open and verify your Plus500 account
  4. Develop your trading strategy
  5. Execute your first trade on GBP/CHF

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