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EUR/JPY Currency Pair Trading Guide

Date Modified: 05/03/2024

The EUR/JPY currency pair, denoting the exchange rate between the Euro (EUR) and the Japanese Yen (JPY), is a popular choice among Forex traders.

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of trading EUR/JPY, exploring its history, influencing factors, trading correlations, and strategies.

an illustration of the EUR/JPY currency pair.

What Is the EUR/JPY Currency Pair?

The EUR/JPY currency pair represents the relationship between the euro and the Japanese Yen in the foreign exchange market. Traders often refer to it simply as "EURJPY." It reflects the amount of Japanese Yen needed to purchase one Euro.

The Role of the Euro in the Economy

The euro, abbreviated as EUR, is the official currency of the Eurozone (EZ), which consists of 20 EU member states. Introduced in 1999, the Euro has become one of the most traded currencies globally, following the US Dollar. For the first several years following its debut, the euro lagged behind its transatlantic counterpart, but since 2002 it has nearly continuously equaled or exceeded the value of the greenback.

The currency is managed by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Eurosystem. The ECB, as an independent institution, holds the authority to determine monetary policy. The Eurosystem oversees tasks such as printing and distributing euro banknotes, as well as operating payment systems across the eurozone.

The 1992 Maastricht Treaty mandates most EU members to adopt the euro once they meet specific economic criteria, though some states have exemptions. Denmark succeeded in negotiating exemptions for itself, Sweden rejected the euro in a 2003 referendum, and newer EU members commit to adopting the euro eventually. Amendments through the 2001 Treaty of Nice aimed to reinforce the requirements outlined in the Maastricht Treaty and close any gaps or loopholes in the process.

Furthermore, if the Eurozone were a country it would have the world's third-largest economy, with a GDP trailing only those of the US and China. The strongest economies within the Eurozone are Germany, France, and Italy, each with distinct industrial focuses. Germany excels in mechanical engineering, aviation, and automotive industries, while France thrives in tourism, agriculture, and transport. Italy's strengths lie in textiles, chemicals, and machinery. In terms of international trade, the EU had a €150 billion trade surplus with the US in 2020, primarily driven by Germany, Italy, France, and the Netherlands. However, the EU faced a €181 billion trade deficit with China during the same period.

The euros role in the EUR/JPY pair is crucial, as its fluctuations can significantly impact the exchange rate and, consequently, trading opportunities.

The Role of the Japanese Yen in the World Economy

The Japanese Yen (JPY), Japan's official currency, holds significant prominence in global markets, ranking third in foreign exchange trading behind the US dollar and the euro.

Established in 1871 under the New Currency Act, it replaced previous coinage systems and was pegged to gold or silver. Following World War II, the yen's value diminished, but it was stabilized at ¥360 per US dollar under the Bretton Woods system, later transitioning to a floating exchange rate in 1971.

Japan's currency policy involves periodic intervention to manage its value, aiming to maintain a competitive export market. Events such as the Plaza Accord in 1985 and subsequent fluctuations led to shifts in the yen's value, impacting Japan's economic position. Despite efforts to stabilize it, the yen depreciated significantly against the dollar from late 2021 to 2023, prompting concerns about its long-term strength.

However, the weakened yen has bolstered Japan's tourism industry due to increased purchasing power for foreign visitors.

The Bank of Japan's near-zero interest rate policy and the government's anti-inflation measures aim to stabilize the currency amid fluctuating global conditions and have contributed to its reputation as a safe haven investment currency. Known for its relative stability and low interest rates, the Japanese Yen is often used as a funding currency in carry trades. In the context of EUR/JPY trading, the Japanese Yen's role as a safe-haven currency and its sensitivity to global economic conditions are important factors to consider.

A Brief History of the EUR/JPY

The history of the EUR/JPY currency pair traces back to the adoption of the Euro as the official currency of the Eurozone in 1999. As the Euro gained prominence in the international market, the pairing with the Japanese Yen became an essential component of Forex trading. Over the years, this currency pair has witnessed various market trends, economic events, and geopolitical developments, shaping its behavior and influencing trader decisions.

The EUR/JPY’s Exchange Rate History

The history of the EUR/JPY Forex trading pair is a dynamic tapestry woven with economic shifts, geopolitical events, and market sentiments. Understanding the historical fluctuations of this currency pair provides valuable insights into its behavior and helps traders anticipate potential future movements.

Since the inception of the Euro in 1999, the EUR/JPY pairing has been subject to various trends and cycles. In the early years, the Euro faced challenges as it navigated through the integration of multiple European economies. During this period, the exchange rate experienced notable volatility, reflecting uncertainties about the Euro's stability and the market's perception of the newly introduced currency.

As the Eurozone economies found their footing, the EUR/JPY pair started to exhibit more stable trends. Japan, on the other hand, experienced its own economic ebbs and flows. The Japanese Yen, known for its role as a safe-haven currency, often saw increased demand during times of global economic uncertainty. This characteristic influenced the EUR/JPY pair, creating periods of strength or weakness depending on prevailing global economic conditions.

Throughout the 2000s, the EUR/JPY exchange rate witnessed significant movements influenced by monetary policy decisions, economic indicators, and global events. The financial crisis of 2008, for instance, triggered a flight to safety, leading to a surge in demand for the Japanese Yen and a subsequent depreciation of the Euro against the Yen.

Post-crisis, the Eurozone faced challenges such as sovereign debt issues and economic disparities among member countries. These factors contributed to fluctuations in the EUR/JPY pair as traders assessed the economic health of both regions and adjusted their positions accordingly.

In recent years, Central Bank policies, particularly those of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of Japan (BoJ), have played a pivotal role in shaping the EUR/JPY exchange rate. Divergent monetary policy stances, such as quantitative easing programs and interest rate differentials, have led to notable shifts in the pair's valuation.

In summary, the history of the EUR/JPY Forex trading pair is marked by a series of phases, each characterized by distinct factors influencing the exchange rate. From the initial uncertainties surrounding the Euro's introduction to the subsequent impact of global economic events and Central Bank policies, traders navigating the EUR/JPY pair have witnessed and capitalized on a diverse range of market conditions. As the Forex market continues to evolve, the history of these fluctuations remains a valuable guide for traders seeking to navigate the complexities of the EUR/JPY currency pair.

What Can Influence the EUR/JPY Pair?

The EUR/JPY pair's price movements can be influenced by various factors, including interest rates, economic performance, political tensions, international trade levels, and Central Bank policies among other matters.

Interest rate changes by the European Central Bank (ECB) can attract foreign investors seeking higher returns, strengthening the euro against the yen, while lower rates may weaken the euro. Economic indicators such as GDP growth and unemployment rates impact investor confidence, affecting currency values. Political stability encourages investment, strengthening currencies, while instability can lead to depreciation.

The Japanese yen is considered a 'safe haven' currency, rising during economic uncertainty. Global trade patterns and policies also influence the EUR/JPY pair, with protectionist measures impacting trade levels and currency exchange rates. Additionally, the Bank of Japan's (BoJ) policies, including asset purchases and interest rate adjustments, affect the yen's value.

The correlation between the EUR/JPY pair and global economic events is significant. Positive events, like GDP growth, correlate with currency pair appreciation, while negative events, such as recessions or geopolitical tensions, lead to depreciation. Monitoring these events helps traders make informed decisions, but risks are inherent in Forex trading due to market volatility.

Understanding the interconnectedness of global economies is crucial for traders, as external factors can impact currency pairs. While informed decisions are valuable, the Forex market carries inherent risks, emphasizing the need for caution despite diligent analysis.

Why Is the EUR/JPY Important to Traders?

EUR/JPY holds significance for traders due to its liquidity and volatility. The pairing allows for diverse trading strategies and risk management approaches. Traders often turn to EUR/JPY for opportunities arising from economic disparities between the Eurozone and Japan, as well as geopolitical events that may cause market fluctuations.

Furthermore, because of this Forex pair's connections to important global trends, it may serve as a barometer of the European and Japanese economies.

EUR JPY Trading Correlations

Correlations between EUR/JPY and other currency pairs can offer valuable insights into potential market movements.

Historically, the EURJPY has been positively correlated with peer Forex pairs CHFJPY, EURUSD, and USDJPY, meaning that these four pairs all tend to rise at the same time. Conversely, the EURJPY has been observed to be negatively correlated with the USDCHF, so when USDCHF rises, the EURJPY will generally fall and vice versa.

Recognising these correlations aids traders in anticipating price movements and making more informed decisions. However, one should note that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

How to Trade the EUR/JPY?

The Forex market provides traders with ample opportunities to develop trading strategies based on market movements, offering a plethora of trading strategies and indicators. Traders can customize these strategies to suit their individual preferences and combine them for optimal results.

Before delving into specific trading strategies, it's important to understand fundamental and technical analysis, the two primary methodologies in Forex trading. Fundamental analysis involves evaluating broader economic, political, and social factors to gauge a currency pair's potential appreciation or depreciation. Factors such as geopolitics, Central Bank policies, and economic releases play crucial roles in fundamental analysis.

On the other hand, technical analysis relies on chart patterns, indicators, and historical price data to predict future price movements. Traders using technical analysis look for trends, support and resistance levels, and patterns like overbought or oversold conditions.

Two popular trading strategies for the EUR/JPY pair include breakout trading, and the correlation-based approach. Breakout trading involves entering trades when prices break through key support or resistance levels, taking advantage of the pair's volatility. Correlation-based strategies analyze relationships between EUR/JPY and other markets to predict price movements.

Additionally, traders utilize various technical indicators to aid their trading decisions. These include moving averages like Simple Moving Average (SMA) and Exponential Moving Average (EMA), which help identify trends and potential entry points. Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Bollinger Bands are used to gauge overbought or oversold conditions and market volatility, respectively. Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) measures momentum and trend strength.

Ultimately, traders can experiment with different combinations of strategies and indicators to find what works best for them. It's essential to conduct thorough research, consider risk management strategies, and practice disciplined trading to achieve success in the Forex market.

EUR/JPY CFD Trading Example

Contract for Difference (CFD) trading allows traders to speculate on the price movements of financial instruments without owning the underlying assets. Let's consider an example of trading EUR/JPY with CFDs:

Suppose a trader believes that the Euro will strengthen against the Japanese Yen. The current exchange rate is 130.00, and the trader decides to buy 10,000 EUR/JPY CFDs. If the exchange rate rises to 131.00, the trader profits from the difference in price. However, if the rate falls to 129.00, the trader incurs a loss.

CFD trading provides flexibility, leverage, and the ability to profit from both rising and falling markets. However, it also involves risks, and traders should carefully manage their positions.

EUR/JPY Trading Basics

Trading the EUR/JPY pair requires a combination of knowledge, skills, and disciplined practices. Consider the following tips and common practices:

  • Stay Informed: Continuously update yourself on economic indicators, Central Bank decisions, and global events that impact the euro and Japanese Yen.
  • Use Risk Management Strategies: Implement stop-loss orders, diversify your portfolio, and avoid over-leveraging to help manage risks effectively.
  • Utilize Technical Analysis: Incorporate technical analysis tools to identify trends, entry and exit points, and potential reversals.
  • Consider Market Sentiment: Be aware of market sentiment and news that may influence the EUR/JPY pair. Sudden shifts in sentiment can lead to rapid price changes.
  • Practice with a Demo Account: Before risking real capital, practice trading strategies and test your skills using a demo account.

In Conclusion

Trading the EUR/JPY currency pair can be a rewarding endeavor for those equipped with the right knowledge and skills. By understanding the history, factors influencing the pair, and implementing common trading strategies, traders can navigate the dynamic Forex market with increased success. Keep abreast of economic developments, practice risk management, and stay disciplined to make more informed decisions in the ever-evolving world of EUR/JPY trading.


When do you buy or sell EURJPY?

If you think that the exchange rate of 1 euro to the yen will rise, it could be the time to issue a buy order. Conversely, if you think that this rate will fall, you may wish to issue a sell order.

What time can I trade the EURJPY?

You can trade CFDs on EURJPY with Plus500 from Sunday evening to Friday evening (UTC).

What’s a good strategy for trading the EUR/JPY?

There is no one trading strategy that will work for all traders, but you should consider the strategies detailed above along with keeping up-to-date with different events affecting global markets.

When is the EUR/JPY most traded?

The EUR/JPY market is especially active from 7:30 to 15:30 GMT.

How do I stay updated about news and developments that affect EUR/JPY?

Keeping up with our News & Market Insights* (availability depends on your operator) section and our Economic Calendar can allow you to stay abreast of important global events affecting the EURJPY Forex pair.

Learn More About EUR/JPY

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